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Pastor Steve and Discover Church Family

Fun Facts About Pastor Steve

Facebook or X? 

More poeple follow me on Facebook, but I use X more to tweet my transient thoughts. So I suppose Facebook for my followers and Twitter for me…Can I still say Twitter? (since Elon rebranded it)


YouTube or Vimeo? 

I remember distinctly the moment the Lord told me in 2012, “Get on YouTube.” I obeyed Him and it’s blown up our ministry in a big way. The Lord knew it’d be a tool to get the truth out for a moment in time. 


But YouTube stopped being an unbiased public forum for the content creators and became more of a mouthpiece for Big Tech. The watershed moment was the day it deplatformed Alex Jones in a coordinated fashion with other Big Tech platforms, on the same day! Then they started censoring and suppressing a lot of our content. It’s a shame there’s no neutral platform any more. So to get high-quality content from me, you can stream it on Vimeo or get a lot of uncensored messages on our online church platform. 


EV or Gas Car? 

It depends where you live. I own a Tesla now and can tell you it’s an urban car. It won’t go far without a 30-40 minute recharge, so it’s not made for long drives in my opinion. For short distances, day-to-day driving, like going to church or dropping off the kids to school, I love the experience of a Tesla. The screen is huge. The 360 cameras and animation of vehicles all around you offer a lot of safety. The accelration is off the charts. Elon’s revolutionized the car in ways that other companies could have done, but I think they got lazy and stopped innovating. 


Could an EV be controlled by a malicious actor or globalist power? Perhaps one day, but I would say that day won’t come till the Tribulation starts.


Tea or Coffee

Being health conscious tea is #1 for me. I have a huge tea collection. I like Lady Grey, Earl grey, various Chinese black teas and Japanese green teas. But age and marriage changes you. My wife drank coffee since she was a little girl, so she’s influenced me to drink more coffee. 


Beef or chicken

Beef. Nothing like a good marbled wagyu steak. Carpaccio—raw beef—is the Italian version of sushi.


Apple or Android

Apple hands down. I am trying an Android tablet but it’s not intuitive for me. 


Cold or hot water

Hot or warm water is better for my health. That’s what many traditinal Asians believe and practice. Young people no longer follow the custom and I think it upsets their digestive system. 


Coke or Pepsi

Neither. But if I had to choose, it’d be Mexican Coke, which I believe still uses cane sugar. US Coke uses high fructose corn syrup which I avoid. I won’t drink any Zero products. Please don’t bring any to church! No unnatural sweetener is good for health.

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