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Discipleship Path 

Disciple =  Student 

Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32

* Not just running in September.*

Classes are continuously running. Join anytime of the year! 

Courses for purchase inside the DCO platform. One-time payment, lifetime access. Video lessons & Live facilitated sessions included. (All courses free with Lifetime Purchase.)

  • How to do Life Journal

  • The Differences between Tithe, Offerings, Almsgiving, and First-Fruit

  • What is Donkey Ministry?

  • How to Find the Root Issues in Your Life + Fruit of the Spirit


  • 19 Healings of Christ

  • How to Keep Your Healing

  • Fast Way to Health

Hearing the Holy Spirit

  • What Christians Get Wrong About Speaking in Tongues

  • Hearing God

  • 6 Common Ways God Speaks to Us


  • The Confession of Faith 

  • How to Get Guaranteed Prayer Answers

  • ABCs of Faith

Ministry & Serving

  • Donkey Ministry

  • Finding Your Call

  • Consecrating Yourself to God


  • How to Get Your Family Saved

  • From Buddha to Jesus

  • God of All Nations

End Times

  • The Timeline of the End Times

  • Where is God During Tragedies

  • 7 Signs of False Prophets


  • The Power​ of Dreamboard

  • What Holds Us Back from Being Wealthy

  • Financial Traps

People Skills

  • Redeeming the Time & 4 Personalities

  • The Secret to Intimacy

  • Can I Love God & Not Get Along with People


  • The Highest Level of Faith

  • What God Called Trump to Do to Save America

  • 12 Reasons the Bible Should Be Taught in Schools

Creation Science

  • Atheists Don't Exist

  • The Truth About Climate Change and Endangered Species

  • Is God Scientific


  • Jewish Parenting & Dating I

  • Jewish Parenting & Dating II

  • Raising End Time Children

Understanding the Enemy (The Devil)

  • Why Did God Create Satan

  • How to Deal with Evil Spirits

  • The Last Church 

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